Sunday, March 23, 2008

kevin and his secret double

well today was easter. it was also one of my good buddies' farewell. he is leaving to taipei taiwan on april 2nd. his talk was way good but i was sitting in between two of my friends and their girlfriends and it was kind of distracting. it caused me to reflect for a moment, about how i feel that i've changed quite a bit, and they're the same kids they always were. i don't know which is worse, but i do think i like that i was paying more attention to the meeting than to some girl.
talked to a lot of good friends today and it made me really happy. i love good friends. also found out that my roommate, kevin, has a secret double. that's how he's been able to study so much and all of those sorts of things. KEVIN WE KNOW EXACTLY WHAT IS GOING ON DON'T EVEN TRY AND HIDE IT ANYMORE. also today had a crazy nap and woke up groggy and confused and i just started laughing because it was funny to me and i loved it. and another thing happened today. my good buddy, ryan marsh, left for good. i'm gonna miss him and i know he's going to be an awesome missionary where ever he ends up.

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